The Truth About Domestic Violence - You'll Never Believe... & What is the Manosphere and Men's Rights, a Guide for Leftists, Liberals Who Want to See Wild Lions.

Sam Seder and Cenk Uygur probably will be all over this like stink on shit!

     After Stefan Molyneux's post "Estrogen Based Parasites" and fundamentally presented all the things about women that genuinely do suck. The acquisitiveness, the dishonesty, the in-group preference allowing for projection like a medieval mob, the laziness (really, volume of work is totally measurable, and math still is our world) and then the endless complaining so as to garner attention once hotness (signs of youth, face it, sorry, reality just is....blaaam!) fades....especially with the smoking, partying, drinking, lack of routine, coffee, sugar and repulsive fatness!  Oh, did I just get honest, did that hurt, oh can't say these things.....only men can prevent forest fires, rape, genocide, warfare and pedophilia because we and our precious patriarchy are committing such sins!  Well, men all over the online world, because you are all a limbic system controlled, amygdalae challenged mob of primates....and you'll tear us apart.  

Male criticism of women, is unpopular that's why it's leveled more and more often with bulls' eye accuracy.  Men's Rights, The Men's Movement, Men Going Their Own Way are all here to stay and stand like a pride of lions so feminism, Hillary 2016, Blue Staters and you silly brothers, you think they are on your think we don't know about what women can be, are, have done, will do? Huh, get ready! 

      Shiiit I've been thinking about a post like this! Let me make sure anyone looking for information about Men's Rights that wants to lash us with their precious marxist egalitarian creedos and screeds gets where it's at and what time it is.  I read the Eugene Weekly a lot and damn what the left doesn't know, it's hilarious, redpillers, Whispered77 fans, red pill mafia, players and pick up guys, an-caps.....they have no idea you all exist for the most part.  

     For the good liberal, the true believer in the Good and Liberty and you are sure you are like Jefferson but better because all that slave stuff, yes you! You aren't sure if you couldn't or wouldn't be gay and that's okay, don't say nay, you must live a new way, be a man, a man of today.....add a ukelele or mandolin, or a Miike Snow beat and there's your anthem twat!  Chicks dig plugs bro....psssh! 

Meet Bernard Chapin, a fine American and one of the veterans of the Manosphere, know him, and you will be lead well in your insights.  The man devours tomes and is a true gentleman, now lefty don't be afraid he says, turn the volume down so the comrades don't hear him, they might send you to a camp, you dummies.

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    Next is nationalist, Canadian, monarchist advocate and generally manly man that discusses manly, dangerous ideas that decent White people aren't allowed to say, Davis Aurini. Be very scared leftist, he will make you angry, and he won't care....and you'll still be angry.....and he'll be virally popular among millions of anonymous men across the world.  Yes, he quite effectively argues why men should lead, nationalism should guide them, and the women should follow and if they dare to risk it, compete as hard as they wish, this is the West where all people are born free to choose.  And no....he's not a skinhead, I don't think he like reggae.....yeah, look it up hippy.

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If you want to really understand the Manosphere, Barbar's channel is also a necessity, he and the above mentioned are not in the same general realms, their fan bases are mixed and different.  

     The Manosphere is extraordinarily diverse because men are interesting, we generally dedicate ourselves to self-improvement as wealth (health as wealth) or strive for success earning us substantial income, and we have also kinda.....well, kinda dumb guys, they need to be hepped to the game, Bar does call them Netherapes....a little rough but hey, his channel and it's good.

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Karen Straughan or GirlWritesWhat.....all leftists tremble, she is your kryptonite....but you just can't help watching can you, that's because that is excellent oratory and argumentation.  Relax, don't make her pwn your entire moral system.

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In the Manosphere there are many that hold a torch, like Barbar, Bernard and Karen that gives an inspiration that makes you take up the flag and charge!  Aurini makes one think hard about the kind of chevalier they truly are or not and strategy, have strategy upon strategy in life.  There is a darkness, the pain that is often laughed at by society, dreams deferred, a Republic turned Empire that eats the edge of this darkness, holding a red pill is.....


    A very manly name, and true to the melancholia of a force symbolized by the bat for it's secrecy, stealth, and night based insertions.  Special Russian....but men know that.

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And in the darkness further still.....

The Don of the Red Pill Mafia, Whispered77, The Dark Loner!

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Great guy, raw and unedited about how he feels about the world, this is the voice of working class men, with nothing left to lose, get to know bitter strength!

Now....motherfuckers, don't get mad at me or fuck with me, or call me out on Youtube, I dig your Academy, that's why I am about to post three videos, okay?

Manhood Academy....

    I am not sure what everything they are about is, I mean, they say exactly but I haven't participated, I just love some of their videos.  They talk so much shit, it just has me in tears at times, fucking hilarity.  I love anyone going for my soft spots and they aren't fond of blogging ass MGTOWs and I also can reciprocate with not caring.  I do what I want and really don't have time for women, it's just like that, it might seem strange but I just don't want any, any of the hassle. The Academy seems to really aim for it's members to become that guy that gets the girl when he wants, every time, and I think that is the shit, I 'am reading their free text book....shit it's free and not bad at all.  They like fuckin' with many cats in the Manosphere, and we're all better off for it I think, especially the young guys, they need options. And oooh, get ready I'm going to post some good ones!

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Particularly brilliant!

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And as proof of how the 'community' really is, here is a shooting match! The Academy vs. MGTOW....I haven't seen it yet, gotta' watch it though, sometimes his voice alteration is a little much to bear though.  No way around it, feminists and leftists wear masks and are violent and will get you fired or assaulted for your thoughts and words.

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Tommy Sotomayor....see how diverse we are....and I'm half Black too! You are very enlightened reading this blog patch pants, take a bong rip, turn off Telepopmusik and listen close to the Mayor!

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Oooooh, he didn't! He so racist! But, he's Black!

Ha!  We are here and feminists, leftists, liberals we are more accurate than you, we are better equipped for the siege of your moral high ground and so you better rest up over the Summer.....I'm afraid the shield will be quite operational when your friends and your puny rebellion against the Republic, you will fail.  This is a war of idea, ours preserve the Republic, you all want mobbery and dickgirls parades, fuck you, this America, this is the West, this is our Republic!
