Young Man, you think we are bullshitting you? While you're French pressing for reps know your Men's Rights.

For those young men out there that think Men's Rights and Men Going Their Own Way is bullshit, or stupid, trite or "misogynistic" here is an important reference from those old oppressive days.

    "If the suffrage campaign did nothing more, it showed the possibilities of propaganda to achieve certain ends. This propaganda today is being utilized by women to achieve their programs in Washington and in the states. In Washington they are organized as the Legislative Committee of fourteen Women's Organizations, including the League of Women Voters, the Young Women's Christian Association, the Women's Christian Temperance Union, the Federation of Women's Clubs, etc. These organizations map out a legislative program and then use the modern technique of propaganda to make the legislative program actually pass into the law of the land.  Their accomplishments in the field are various. They can justifiably take the credit for much welfare legislation.  The eight-hour day is theirs. Undoubtedly prohibition and its enforcements are theirs, if they can be considered an accomplishment. So is the Shepard-Towner Bill which stipulates support by the central government of maternity welfare in the state governments. This bill would not have passed had it not been for the political prescience  and sagacity of women like Mrs. Vanderlip and Mrs. Mitchell."

    -Edward Bernayz, Propaganda, 1928

If you don't know who Edward Bernayz was, you definitely should look him up....

   He was a key propagandist of the twentieth century and between him and Adam Weishaupt, most leftists and liberals are hard to choose who created their entire world.  Say, you don't think there should be masses of assets in individual hands, fundamentally no 'right' to private property, it's a privilege until you have too much, that's Weishaupt.  Who would decide?  Well, people like him and his friends the Bavarian Illuminati....look it up.  Liberals and Leftists think their ideas are special and some concepts like an inalienable right to private property....because you, your words and thoughts are your, see how it's there in the language itself....that's soooo White people.....anyway, that was Jefferson. Jefferson made clear in an apology for Adam Weishaupt, who had been denounced, that Weishaupt was a true Christian, good Mason and champion of the Enlightenment....they disagreed on private property, that's it, Jefferson had his point of view, Weishaupt his.  It is interesting read, Melanson in his book "Perfectibilists" touches on this. I feel the Illuminati were the seed for 'socialism' as it is understood now and practiced for the most part, and their involvement with Robespierre and the outcome in the Vendee prove the Illuminati saying 'The Ends Justify the Means'....seriously.  This is key socialist and 'progressive' concept, young liberal men never Google search the history of those calling themselves 'progressives' and how they then as now, looking at outcomes only, always justify the means in group think and political tribal speech.  Any sign of this in the 'right' they see, is called from the bell tower as evidence that the Prussian Blue is seen at the fair gates of civilized America and a fifth column is already organizing, sharpening dirks and rapiers in the Church yards.  Oh, when will the Christians finally strike down the weirdos?  That's the point, they won't, you are crazy, made crazy by propagandists.....they will never take over, conservatives are generally disciplined, quiet people.  The activists, you've always been up to something since the late 1600s, but back then you could actually be killed for your beliefs, now, you're just another liberal, yaaawn! With more commie, gay shit to say!

