Are You A Young American & Conservative?

These thoughts wake me....punish the Boomers, you must, the species is in jeopardy and civilization's wealth is at stake. The Boomers have wined, dined and rode the pine for decades, don't be fooled. The Greatest Generation is never returning, their times though recorded like none other are gone. In one generation the Boomers destroyed the Republic and made us an empire, with the outcome of a feckless bastardom devolving into Niggatopia . Dangerous, licentious, rebellious and unproductive.... Niggatopia.  It doesn't matter the weak will mewl about meanness, bullying, shaming and're ruining the flash mob orgy, you villainous libertarian! Putin and others understand, we are a nation, stumbling, drunken, armed and seeing who wants to party.... they are waiting with saps,knuckles and dirks for us to stumble. Many Boomers have been cheated, decimated, everything family,fields and farm gone like silt of the streams of time. Many more will be starved, the wealth is being burned in the devilish Athanors of the State, party members, robed, festooned in their regalia cooking up poison to feed humanity woe. Isaiah....even you young atheist libertarians, read Isaiah, Seneca...they saw the end coming. And, keep in mind, it's the Republic, then civilization, stabilize and cultivate the first and the second can be mended. In this generation, we must have bitter strength, do not be fooled, do not be weak. Strengthen your philosophy, be faithful to the good & true, be a knight disguised for forbearance will be a watchword as we take a cleaver to the Leviathan.
