Christian Mysticism Is A Lot of Reading

I now have a truly fascinating library...these just fall off the shelf...

The Book of Enoch-R.H.Charles
The Schocken Bible :V.1 The Five Books of Moses-E.Fox
The New Testament Translated from Aramaic-V.Alexander
Sefer Yetzirah-Aryeh Kaplan
Morals & Dogma by A.Pike
The Orthodox Way-Fr.K.Ware
Alchemist's Handbook-Fra. Albertus
The Way of/School of/An Introduction to Kabbalah-Warren Kenton (Z'ev Ben Simon Halevi)
Nag Hammadi Library
Meditation & the Kabbalah-A.Kaplan
The Guide for The Perplexed-Moses Maimonides
Kabbalistic Words of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas by Bishop Lewis Keizer
The Golden Versus of Pythagoras by Fabre Olivet
I should be reading.
