Progressives Were Once Key Advocates of Social Darwinism & Racism

     Simply Google combinations of Progressives, Nazis, Darwinism, Jim Crow, Democrats.....their original world view came chiefly from the occultist history narrative. This where you get H.P. Blavatsky types attempting to create a world for the New Man. The New Man of Communism, the Ubermensch of the occultists of the Nazi cabal, the Thule, these go back to Rousseau's fascination with native Americans and Freemasons fetishizing Turgic, or proto-IndoEuropean unadulterated Understanding,Wisdom,Insight or Longevity. In America this new Aryan, this new Master of Shambala , this hoped for Adam Kadmon, the incremental development of the species as a collective Anthropos....oh, what a history this has!

   David Livingstone and Terry Melanson have done great work on this, look up their articles and sites.

    People should know they are being experimented on, and then decide if they want to grow old as the new Hitler's barber or latte maker. The Left, they are the only organized political body....Conservatives are reacting, Verticality entails work and some disinterestedness. Horizontals have riot, fire and emotion to occupy them until EBT is shut down!
