TEDXFAUJupiter-Tony Plackas-Everything is Equal,Why Family Is Like Similar Looking Acquaintances


     Plackas is another commie do-gooder trying desperately to make data different, our encounters invalid and tradition little more than a 'small tent'! Coming from Frisco let me make clear, the city is hostile to childhood, and single moms gone lesbian, their kids are often problematic for someone. I've heard my two mommy families trying to engage sons, it's painful, the foreignness can be cut through with a spoon. Tradition, Judeo-Christian tradition rewards child bearing couples because up until our modern Welfare Wonderland children & women died because they are more prone to infection. Tremendous capital is required to keep families going and therefore civilization. The Torah is read as PRESCRIPTIVE in English, it is DESCRIPTIVE. Woman is Havah-Life & Man is Adam, toiling, sweating all success is trial in the Wilderness. This view is Thomas Sowell's "Tragic View" a view that understands, profit is necessary for all human action because human action on inanimate objects is the source of value. A society itself is ONLY AS VALUABLE AS IT'S PRODUCTS! These pan-sexual buckfutters with their useless art as product, and safe ideas as genius are why the powerful will let us fail. These people are so addled, they can never become cultural capital, they will forever be trying to praise raving as the Great Lent in the Hagia Sophia, trannies as a level Shakespeare had not yet reached & debating how young is too young for.....? Every TED Talk proves these sick communists, tripe headed narcissists, nubile propagandists and the rare middle of the road socialist are on the march against facts and evidence. Broadcasting from an educational philasterie near you....
