Thinking About Progressives, the Black Nationalists and the End of the Republic...Has Anyone Noticed?
Why Do Right Wingers Talk About A Crazy Conspiracy....Like All The Time?
The Conspiracy, is the same one the "Left".... the Horizontals....apply to elites, privileged youth, the advantages of " whiteness" and all sorts of jargon of Marxist "critical theory". The trouble lies in this, as a convert to the Right....or Verticals, I had to relearn fundamental philosophy. At present, most Horizontals are kept horizontal because they marx-up natural hierarchies, assuming that no Darwinian concept be applied to what they fancy. Horizontal chicks love wolves, and so, they are protected no matter the natural hierarchy required to keep rural livestock safe. Farmer's property is not higher in a conceptual hierarchy, the type and cuddly factor of the livestock aside, the property CONCEPT is evil in common, Horizontal thinking until it is a woman's uterus. Bring out Eustace the Uterus to humiliate " intersectionality" the way it should be, with a display of demented , discordant dysgenia disguised as folk music.
The failure to apply property rights to a system of thought makes ethics.....well every socialist ultra-state so far, the Vendee massacre, Turkey and Armenia, Mao! The Holodomor & Holocaust of the National Socialists....that's the result, repeatedly. It is more than arguable, F.D.R. really caused us to become a different form of socialist state but it required the constant control of culture. This pressure and control made men into women by the 1960s and has made American women unable to sell themselves as mail order brides to anyone but supervillains of the swarthy world.
The Verticals, we Right Wingers.....oh, if only anyone gave a shit about Hillary Clinton. It's the new video game fucking with her Twitter feed! Posting every moment she ugly sneezes and her feet stink is the "foot dive" of Twitter and Tumblr trolling. No, the end, one, two hundred years of war.....that's what we discuss.
It's obvious too many Black Americans have been normalized to the communist, pseudo-Islamic, pan-African nationalist/separatist movement popularized in hip-hop started by the Nation of Islam, Moorish Science Temple, Black Hebrew Israelites and the Nation of Gods and Earths. While imperative to the history of Black American political history, most research traces these groups to the occultism and secret societies popular post-Civil War...when Blacks built temples and jazz artists were Freemasons. Oh, the days of Black Patriarchy....gone. The socialist factor of the aforementioned and combined with communist influence on Black churches in the forties and fifties through nonprofit , white liberal do-gooders has demonized Black traditional American behaviors developed naturally during Segregation. This had to be undone, all naturally evolving culture must be undone...or else a standard will be developed, then hierarchy,, no, got to scramble peoples!
White funny to the Verticals, they write & podcast about how it's obviously a projection by Horizontals, they see a natural hierarchy that Verticals Whites compete for those Escalades and college funds, most are not the 1%, or 5% they fall under the protection of "middle class folks". Always, forever, because Horizontal sociopathic narcissists go into politics and recruit Horizontals from the " middle class" to preserve those norms. There will always be a "middle class" for the Horizontal Hero or Heroine to climb up from to full time professional Lying Gatekeeper.
On this mobile device I can access the known universe.... can't play Eve yet. That is Verticality, technology used to access the Wisdom of Kabbalah, the World Exemplification of Freemasonry Project, the Gnostic Conclave of the Apostolic Johannites Church, the Mises Institute Library, the Hoover Institute Library, the Alchemy Library.....endless and Horizontals have little more than an epistemology of Netflix & idle gossip, and anecdotes of victimhood.
Climb, soar with the eagles, get Vertical. We have no idea where the sky ends.
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