Why All Liberalism Is Not Getting The Gay Vs. God Thing Correct
I am a heretic, my interests are Understanding the Aramaic, kabbalist & gnostic views of the Worlds while exploring reality using praxeology, Libertarian philosophy etc. Even I got the gay thing when I was on the Left but now this must be dealt with simply. "Evil" is anything that doesn't "cleave" to the Law as mapped out in the Torah, period. Homosexual practice makes sex about pleasure without the inherent risks. When there is trepidation in human action we tend to recruit others & accomplishment is group based and therefore enriching. With sex, this group is the family, you want sex, you risk making a family. Sex for pleasure is only that, the validity of the emotional connection can't be known & no one is taking a risk!
So, one it violates a groups moral code, fine, leave that group, free country! Your FETISH IS A FETISH, nothing more, they leave, you have your hand, like a straight hedonist. Family life is harder, period, raising children well is harder, you gays are just having a hoot, WELL HAVE IT! Plato proved hedonism is lesser, you want a new religion that says it's greater and you're 5% of the adult population and you're wrong. Society is conservative, traditional and based around atomic family life, you all want to tell others how to live because your activists have an agenda. Oh, yes, I know, I was raised in Frisco, you're leaders want a stable of young tenders, period. Have your bars, have your own religion that marries, leave the Catholics & Orthodox be,or prove your Sodom's lot!
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