
Showing posts from September, 2012

Obama's Army of Czars | by Henry Lamb

The Twin Pillars: Jachin and Boaz | Secret Arcana

Who is Baphomet? | Secret Arcana

Egyptian Energy Science: BioGeometry Overview (5/9)

Remember When You Were Three?

Creating and Maintaining Spiritual Stamina

Truth is stranger than fiction, slave....Walter Bowart with Ned Potter - Operation Mind Control

Jacob's Ladder That Leads To The Stars-Part 1

Austrian AV Club - Jeffrey Tucker on QE3 and Rachel Carson

Rosicrucian Science Of Initiation 09-And a few thoughts on this so far....

Back To Basics, Away From Consumerism (RT Documentary)

The Law of Thought - Part 1/3

End the Fed!

The drugs don't work: a modern medical scandal | Ben Goldacre | Business | The Guardian

Pythagoreans and Sculptors: The Canon of Polykleitos

China Uncensored - The New York Times Sells Out To China

Area Code 615 "Stone Fox Chase" (1970)

Concerning Bank Protection from Failure-Charles Hugh Smith: Housing, Diminishing Returns and Opportunity Cost

Borderlands 2 (playlist)

Rosicrucian Initiations 1

Keiser Report: World Flash Clash Center (E343)

Mainstream Media, War and Propaganda - Stefan Molyneux in the Liberty Ho...

Pythagoreans and Sculptors: The Canon of Polykleitos

Global Hypocrisy on Mideast Trade

Russian Wrestling Techniques - Part 1

Muslim Rage: Over 50 killed in 30-nation Islamic protest wave

The Unknown History of MISANDRY: The Free Men Project

The Unknown History of MISANDRY: The Unknown History of MISANDRY - GREATEST HITS

The Unknown History of MISANDRY: Men’s Rights ARE Human Rights

The Unknown History of MISANDRY: “In My Own Delusions” (An Australian Cover-Up)

I hate linking things....this is a short proof of how close the end of the 'republic' is.

Is America Still Israel's Bitch?

Public Schools, Private Hell - Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio Hosts...

US Totalitarian State Wins After All: Obama Reinstates NDAA Military Detention Provision | ZeroHedge

China used prisoners in lucrative internet gaming work | World news | The Guardian

Max Keiser: Ultimate QE3 Meltdown

Hardstyle abs - YouTube

Short History and Introduction to the Rosicrucians

Robert Lomas -Sir Robert Moray, Soldier, Scientist, Spy & Freemason Part 1

Inside Freemasonry

Кадочников №1 23 января 2010.

And meanwhile on the edges of Rome a fire rages uncontrolled--Innocence of Muslims Trailer "Egypt Protest Movie"

Planning the Federal Reserve System on Jekyll Island

Keiser Report: Euthanized Economy (E338)

Martial Arts, Violence and History - YouTube

Bench Press Strength & Bigger Chest Muscles - YouTube

I'd like to report a crime - YouTube

Awkward: Democrats, God, & Jerusalem - Neither party gives a shit about their membership unless they earn a million and up!

Kara Bohigian Smith 146kg/320lbx4 OL Back Squats 4x4 - Coffee's Gym Mod Russian Routine Week 7 - YouTube

Atheism, you asked for it.... - A critique of the atheist-rationalist community and it's intellectual veracity and skepticism....of it's 'friends'.

Жим вверх дном гирь 24 кг + 24 кг попеременно - YouTube

AVTM catches up with two slighly younger USMC vets - YouTube

The Terrible Secret Of Space - What our election cycle is all please stand by the stairs to be protected!

Hip toss - MMA Candy - Get hep mmacandy and

To Ron Paul Supporters: I'm Sorry

NIRP: The Financial System’s Death Knell? « Silver For The People – The Blog

PressTV - 'There is a new trend in barbarity and lunacy for the police'