
Showing posts from May, 2013

Keiser Report: Love, Trade, Recession (E451)

Companionship and the Sacraments an oh poor me moment!


On Form and Composition - Yitzhak Ben Yehuda

ALEF - Secrets of the Hebrew Letters

Feminism is Society's Critical Mass

Modern Male Identity

Manly Palmer Hall - TURN OFF THE TELEVISION SET-Pure gold, no dross!

ל Lamed

Captain Capitalism: How to Legally Exact Your Toll of Revenge on the Left

Surprised, a little, the first time, the second time, amazed, the third, is she a keeper or what?

Understand Your Man-Going-His-Own-Way! A message to 'good' women that 'get it'

London Repeat? French soldier stabbed by 'man of N. African origin'

Shadow Justice: Secret UK courts break up families

Aaron Dykes on Alex Jones Tv 1/2: The Eugenicist & George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw Defends Hitler, Mass Murder

Keiser Report: Drowning In Central Banking Abyss (E449)

Mens Rights - a response to Healthyaddict

British soldier savagely killed in London machete attack-Sweden riots and the multiculturalism debate!

Reading: "The Family Terrorist", by Erin Pizzey

UN Designs Behind Arms Trade Treaty

Nancy Wilson - How Glad I Am - 1965

Keiser Report: Narcissists' Rally (E448) with Jim Rickards!

Genocide of Boys in Canada

Feminists Are Useful Idiots, And Doomed. Must Watch.

Liberals, Leftists and the tendency toward physical weakness, got to go there, sorry.

Joanie loves Chocheee! Or rather how an innocent crush causes so much heartache, RazorBladeKandy!

Freedomain Radio piece on 5/19 'Reality as Conspiracy'

How Portland shows that governance in America is simply mediocrity at best and dangerous as usual!

The Rituals of the House of Strength-Mystical Physical Culture

The Pahlevani, The Strong Men of the East, the ancient Indo-Iranian tradition that shaped Islam and possibly early Templarism.

Gole Yakh by Kouroush Yaghmei and the town of Masouleh, beautiful!


Feminism and the War Against Boys by dickeydunn555

Our Republic and the failure of Conservatives to preserve it's fundamental concepts, by Ayn Rand.

Physical Culture of Today:Tactical Gymnastics, Systema, Combative Acrobatic conditioning.

Natural Rights as opposed to "Human Rights" by Rocking Philosophy.

Stefan Molyneux and the Truth about Benghazi more apparatchiki BOHICAtelligence!

A bit of sunshine from today's Keiser Report with Stacy Herbert and Host the spontaneous and vibrant Max Keiser!

Northern Soul The Film Dance Club 29/03/12

The James Hunter Six | Minute by Minute

On Contemplations 10, 10 is an easy place to start.

Beauty and Wanker Oppression, this is my Oppressive Wanker, Commie, Feminist plots to Oppress my Wanker. The Harvest of Wanker Tolerance!

Men Going Their Own Way....a tune gents! Oh! She is a big girl now - Judge Dread

Those Petulant Damsels...

The Truth is getting increasingly fucking stranger than any fiction I would have thunk up.

Young man do not Fear, Know, the End of Western Civilization, the Demographic Winter, the Vendee Massacre and Bonus Army. Thoughts from the Imperial Dishpit!

More music for the fellas MGTOW! betty boo ... stop that boy

Men's music, turn up with mids and lows! THE MOHAWKS - The Champ

the voices of east harlem - right on be free

In puris naturalibus: Why Mass is Awesome

On the Empire from ZeroHedge, tea is good today.

Philosophy on our State, Taoist axioms on the ideal State, Lew Rockwell....yeah, from Mises....learn to love their accuracy while you live under the boot.

A thought about homosexual men and men's rights and even gnostic Christianity.

About electromagnetic weapons and HAARP

A bit of fun and anti-State? media from the Zeitgiesters, GirlWritesWhat and Thomas Sowell.

Live The Code with Zach Even - Esh

Just as the Vendee permanently mars the face of the French Republic so the Bonus Army's treatment became a harbinger of our fall.

This is a bit more like it.

Great video posts that I checked out this afternoon. Men, power, suicide and how American that combo is; Skinheads and Nailheads;